Contact Me

You can either use the form on the right to contact me or visit the contact page.

Just send me an email with what you are looking for and I'll respond as soon as possible.  Or if you just want to send a "hi" that's acceptable as well.

Greenville, SC


Grade Reports

Billy Fasig



So I can finally say that I finished my semester strong. It was a lot of hard work and dedication, but I did my best and it has all worked out. I’m finishing college with a 3.493 GPA and I couldn’t be prouder of myself. I’m very excited about the next part of my life. Currently, I’m preparing my portfolio, finishing my resume, and getting ready to apply for my dream jobs. I already know where I’d like to work and hopefully everything works out so that I can accomplish that goal.

As for now, I’m officially a University of South Carolina graduate with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, a minor in Art History and photography So that’s where I’m at now. And here’s to hoping for a bright future ahead.