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Just send me an email with what you are looking for and I'll respond as soon as possible.  Or if you just want to send a "hi" that's acceptable as well.

Greenville, SC


SC Parks Photo Contest

South Carolina State Parks
Making Memories Photo Contest

Print/Web/Social Media


While I was working at BFG Communications, South Carolina Parks, Recreation, & Tourism wanted to come up with a photo contest for all their visitors to the 47 state parks across the state. The contest started in June 2014 and continues throughout June 2015. It is split up into three categories (wildlife, landscape, and people). It is also divided into four seasons, in which there is a winner for each category per season. At the end of the contest, the twelve overall winners will be voted on by the general public to chose an ultimate grand prize winner.

There are numerous elements for the photo contest, ranging from traditional print materials, web designs, and social media. After the first season of the contest, there were 1,489 entries and over 11,000 views to the contest landing page.

Printed Elements



Table Tents


Window Clings



Landing Page
(Photo contest elements only. Website was designed by previous agency.)


Woobox  Entry Form Elements
